Oluwafeyikemi Tamunuosaki Afolayan

Oluwafeyikemi Tamunuosaki Afolayan

Woman in Community Award

Oluwafeyikemi Tamunosaki Afolayan is a possible advocate for women’s empowerment and community development.

With the dedicated focus on making a positive impact, she led a transformative humanitarian project that reaches across diverse communities.

Through her efforts, she works closely with widows, providing them with not just support, but training and skill empowerment opportunities. By fostering a sense of empowerment, she’s committed to creating sustainable change and inspiring women to realize their full potential. With a background in Banking and Finance, she’s determined to bring positive change to the lives of those she encounters, especially women of all demography.

About four hundred and eighty-one women had been directly impacted (benefited) on since she began this project.

Trainings The Total Woman Initiative had ran includes: catering, makeup, juice making, videography, soap and disinfectant making, wig making, shoe making, data/airti

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